Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mediatomb installation

Mediatomb is a very good dnla media server wich works very well with the PS3.

Be sure to have the EPEL and rpmforge repo installed ( view other post )

then, yum install mediatomb

 Edit /etc/mediatomb.conf and place the network interface mediatomb will listen.  ( you will know by doing ifconfig )  Usually, it will be eth0

using ntsysv select the service mediatomb to start on startup.

 then, " service mediatomb start " you should see [ok] .  Else something is wrong.  Google the error message to understand what is going on.

 If you want to load mkv file ( HD ) PS3 won't recognize this format, so mediatomb have to convert this video format.

Add the following lines in the /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
<map from="ts" to="video/mp2t"/>
<map from="m2ts" to="video/mpeg"/>

Add the following package and tools to convert the files.

yum install mkvtoolnix

download tsMuxeR and h264tobox  untar in /usr/local/ (tsMuxeR will not untar in is proper directory)

then softlink tsMuxeR, tsMuxerGUI and h264tobox in /usr/bin/

ln -s /usr/local/tsMuxeR/tsMuxeR /usr/bin/tsMuxeR
ln -s /usr/local/tsMuxeR/tsMuxerGUI /usr/bin/tsMuxeRGUI
ln -s /usr/local/h264tobox-$(ver)/h264tobox /usr/bin/h264tobox

the script h264tobox needs the faad library  ( yum install faad2 )
convert the mkv file.  To do this, start the h264tobox script in the directory the movie is placed,

the software will tell you 
aften, dcadec, oggdec, ogmdemux, ttaenc are missing ( they are optional ), I don't know why they are used, but for now, everything seems to work.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

ps3mediaserver installation

must add 2 repositories :
 rpm -Uvh ( replace x86_64 for i386 if your system is 32bits ) you can point your web browser to the directory if this is not working.

rpm -ivh

have to install java
yum install java

have to install mplayer ffmpeg and mencoder

homepage: ps3mediaserver
go to /usr/local/

 tar -zxvf pms-generic-linux-unix-1.20.412.tgz

it is necessary to configure the system.  TBD

Only go in /usr/local/pms-linux-1.20.412 and run to start the server.

don't forget to delete the file /usr/local/pms-generic-linux-unix-1.20.412.tgz

webmin installation

source :

1. create a new file in /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo and insert the following :

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

2. import the key from webmin
rpm --import

3. yum install webmin

webmin is now working and ready to help you to configure your system.
This tool is web based and serves on the port 10000 .  Often only in HTTPS, but you have to try both (http, https).

Perhaps, only from localhost.

fresh install centos 5.5

advice : use a logical volume ( LVM ) for the /home directory.
soon after, you should start backuping your system.